Welcome Post and Position Paper Expectations

Hey there delegates,

I'd like to once again welcome you to BMUN LXX's JCC: Spanish Civil War. This is a committee your vice chairs and I are very excited about and even more excited to see what you guys do with it! We believe that this topic is especially good for educating you all about many important events and ideologies of the 20th century while also promoting a high level of creativity through crises in a small but highly nuanced universe that we will create. I personally find the best way to do crisis committees, both for performing well in committee and learning from it, is to immerse yourself in this universe and your character, and the first step in that process will be your position paper.

Position papers are extremely important for Model UN committees as they allow daises to get to know delegates and their positions ahead of time and encourage delegates to get an early start on preparation for committee. Position papers will be due on February 7 to be eligible for a research award and February 12 for everyone else. You must submit a position paper to be eligible for any awards at the end of conference. 

So, what are we expecting out of your position paper? Our official position paper guidelines are posted on the BMUN LXX website under our committee, but I'll give a brief overview here. There will be three main sections that should add up to no more than 8 pages: Biography of Character, Policy and Aspirations of Country/Ideology/Policies Representing, and Response to Two Questions to Consider. For the character biography, we'd like to see your research into your character, including their backstory, convictions, connections, and anything else you may find relevant or interesting about them. For the policy and aspirations section, you should talk about your characters perspective on the current situation in Spain, how you think your committee should approach the war, and how you see your role and ideology in the current conflict and the future of Spain. For the questions to consider, we'd like to see thoughtful answers to the questions we presented at the end of the Nationalist and Republican sections of the topic guide.

We are looking forward to getting to know you and your character through these papers and hope that this process is helpful for you to learn and immerse yourselves in the topic at hand. If you have any questions about position papers or anything at all, please don't hesitate to reach out through our committee email: jccbmunlxx@bmun.org



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